Why I chose Tri Delta

When I went through recruitment three years ago, I knew Tri Delta was my home on day 1. You know that feeling when you fall in love? Well, that is the exact feeling I felt when I walked into the Tri Delta house. I chose Tri Delta because the girls I met were so genuinely nice and real. I loved how honest and passionate the girls in Tri Delta were, and their strong commitment to their philanthropy was admirable. I remember talking to all the girls during recruitment and feeling completely comfortable and I felt like it was okay to be myself. As I enter my senior year and my last recruitment, I can’t help but reflect on these past 3 years. I am forever grateful for the friendships I have made, opportunities I have been given, and memories that will always hold a special place in my heart. Tri Delta has given me the opportunity to grow as a person, as a leader, and as a friend.

My sisters attentively hold me accountable and push me to be a better version of myself, instead of asking me to be something that I am not. I hope that every girl going through recruitment finds the same thing that I have found in Tri Delta. My few words of advice for the girls going through this recruitment are to stay positive. Everything happens for a reason. When you get your bid card and you're running home, you definitely won't be worried about what happened earlier in the week. I also want to encourage you to have an open mind. It's so easy to have your heart set on one house; this is such a common and easy mistake to make. Do not go into recruitment thinking, "If I don't get this house, then I don't want any." There are awesome girls in every house, so give them all a chance. People will always have their own opinions of every house, but it's up to you to find out what each house really has to offer. I truly believe that there is a house for everybody. Don't let other people influence your decision. Your friends may not end up in the same house as you, and that's okay. Everyone ends up exactly where they're meant to be; do not feel pressured or pushed to morph yourself into somebody you’re not.  Wherever you decide to call home, make sure that it is a place that you can see yourself proudly representing anywhere you go. Ultimately, you may feel as if you’re choosing the sorority that you want, but in all reality, the sorority chooses you as well.  It is so important to take into account the morals that you hold yourself to, and base your decision on what you feel is best for you. And last, but certainly not least, I want to wish you the best of luck as you embark on the most wonderful four-year journey you’ll ever experience!

Delta Love, 
Ally McCurry
Chapter President 

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