My "home" away from home

By Kelsey Matter

      Most of you know Nacogdoches for the breathtaking pine trees, beautiful Stephen F. Austin State University campus, and the fact that it is the oldest town in Texas. For others, Nacogdoches is more than just a college town they spend part of their life in, it is a home full of friendly, unique people and I can proudly say that this is where my roots were planted. SFA has been in my life ever since I can remember. From football games to the homecoming parade and the surrounding school spirit the town shares, SFA has an amazing environment and support system from the people of Nacogdoches, college students, and the faculty of SFA. Although some would think growing up in a small town wouldn’t be very interesting, I love that my parents decided to stay here to start their family many years ago
      Growing up where my parents attended college, I often heard stories of their time here together. I heard many stories about my dad’s fraternity as well as my mom’s sorority. My mom happens to be a Tri Delta, and throughout my life I have been familiar with the traditions and morals that Tri Delta stands for. I remember going to the sorority house as a little girl as supporting their philanthropy at the annual Pancake Breakfast with my mom and her sisters. I loved seeing how happy everyone was and how close the girls were as an organization and sisterhood. My mom is still close with many of her sisters as well as her "big" and "little." I knew that when my time for college was approaching that I couldn’t wait to find my own home away from home just like she did. I hadn’t always planned on staying and attending college in my hometown, but life had other plans for me. I haven’t had one complaint about staying in Nacogdoches and attending SFA, and I am more than thankful for the people I have met and opportunities I have been blessed with. 
​When my time to begin life as a college student arrived, I went in as freshman thinking that my friend group wouldn’t change because most of my high school friends stayed in Nacogdoches for college as well. Little did I know there was a new world and variety of people waiting for me when I decided to participate in recruitment. The people I met outside and inside the houses during recruitment are the reason I chose Tri Delta, not because of the family history I have with the chapter. In my experience, Tri Delta had the best school spirit, such a touching philanthropy, and an amazing sisterhood, and I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else. I felt that I had a new home even though I technically was still “home” in Nacogdoches. I loved everything about Tri Delta, and I am so thankful to have pledged such an amazing chapter. I have met the most extraordinary people who have helped me through more than I could have predicted. I know that going to any college would introduce you to new people, but SFA and Tri Delta were similar in the fact that they both had a welcoming atmosphere and positive, school-spirited attitude. Attending SFA and joining Tri Delta has changed my life in the best ways possible and has given me many opportunities as a young college woman. Even though staying in Nacogdoches for college wasn’t always my plan, I could not have asked for a better experience, and I'm thankful to carry on the Lumberjack and Tri Delta legacy. 

Axe’Em Jacks and Delta Love, 
Kelsey Matter 

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