When You Give a Big a Little
When you decide you want a little, you’ll want to start
Once you start crafting, you’ll want to get her the cutest
As you start buying for her, you’ll never know when to stop.
Once you’ve bought her so many things, you’ll start to
wonder if she’ll like it.
As you think if she will like it, then you’ll wonder if she
will like you.
Once you meet her, you will love her.
And once you love her, you’ll never stop.
So thank you Little, for always being down for Mexican food.
Thank you for being the sweetest and most caring person I’ve ever met. Thank
you for seeing me at my worst, and my best. Most importantly thank you for
being you. I love you Little, and can’t wait to add to our fam this Fall!
Delta Love and Mine,
Ashley Musick
Social Events Chairman
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