When You Give a Big a Little

When you decide you want a little, you’ll want to start crafting.
Once you start crafting, you’ll want to get her the cutest stuff.
As you start buying for her, you’ll never know when to stop.
Once you’ve bought her so many things, you’ll start to wonder if she’ll like it.
As you think if she will like it, then you’ll wonder if she will like you.
Once you meet her, you will love her.
And once you love her, you’ll never stop.

 As soon as I entered my sophomore year, I knew I wanted to pick up a little. I wanted someone I could count on to make me laugh, go everywhere with me, and be my person. When I first met Maddie, it was on Bid Day. She was assigned to be my person and I loved her immediately. As she became more involved in Tri Delta, we started growing closer. We went on many lunch dates and came to the realization that we are very alike. When Big-Little reveal day came, I was beyond excited. I picked out our matching outfits and had everything ready to go. As I stood at the end of the sidewalk waiting for her to run out of the house, I became so overwhelmed with excitement. I was so honored to finally have a Little, and to spoil her entirely too much. Finally, as she ran out of the Delta Dome doors and tackled me, I knew I had my person.

So thank you Little, for always being down for Mexican food. Thank you for being the sweetest and most caring person I’ve ever met. Thank you for seeing me at my worst, and my best. Most importantly thank you for being you. I love you Little, and can’t wait to add to our fam this Fall!

Delta Love and Mine, 
Ashley Musick 
Social Events Chairman 

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