It's Never Too Late To Go Through Recruitment!

Fall semester of my freshman year, I felt completely lost at a school that I once thought I would love. I quickly made the decision to transfer to SFA and start over my spring semester. I went through spring semester hanging out with people that my hometown friends hung out with, but I never really felt like I belonged anywhere. While I loved SFA, I still felt a little lost. By the end of the summer before my Sophomore year, I made a quick decision to sign up for recruitment. I had always pictured myself as a sorority girl, but I didn’t necessarily picture myself fitting in with any of the chapters at SFA. I was not only hesitant because I was afraid I wouldn’t be a good fit anywhere, but I was hesitant because I knew majority of the girls going through recruitment would be freshman and I was a sophomore. I felt anxious and nervous not having any friends going through recruitment with me.
I went into rush week with the expectation that I wouldn’t feel like I belonged anywhere, but I was completely wrong. Tri Delta stole my heart by pref night, and my pledge class soon stole my heart by our new member sleepover after Bid Day. Even though I was one of the only sophomores, I felt so connected to all the girls in my pledge class because we bonded so quickly. We bonded over our excitement as new members, our growing love for Tri Delta and St. Jude, and our anxiousness for what the year would bring. I connected with my pc on being new members to our chapter, but I also had many opportunities to give them advice and tips on “surviving freshman year”. I grew to love being called a “baby delta” by my sophomore and junior friends and hearing stories from their new member period. I was able to create relationships both within my pc and older pc’s that I never would have if I didn’t go through rush. I was able to flourish in my first year as a Tri Delta and obtain an officer position, just like many of the freshman in my pledge class.
So to all of the sophomores, juniors or seniors out there thinking it’s too late to go through recruitment and find your home, it’s not!! Go fall in love with a chapter and build relationships with every girl in your chapter, no matter their age. I’m so thankful I went through recruitment when I did and I’m still so excited to be a part of the pledge class I’m in!!

Delta Love,
M’Kayla Benne


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