Beyond the Stereotypes.
I’ll be the first to admit that “sorority girl” was a title I never thought I would put next to my name. Before going through recruitment and joining Tri Delta I had more fears and anxieties about rushing that I almost dropped out before anything had even started. I constantly questioned if I would fit in, if I was pretty enough, if I was too shy, or if anyone would even like me. After struggling to fit in throughout my high school years I was determined I would have no place in college, and especially no place in a sorority. I was worried that my fears would come true and I would quickly become the laughing stalk of the houses.
Fast forward two years and all those worries and fears could be further from my mind. The ladies of Tri Delta have shown me that the words “sorority girl” have a million different definitions. From art majors to agriculture majors, there are no two girls completely alike within the chapter. The individually unique girls that fill the four walls of our Delta Dome have proven to be some of the most amazing women I have gotten the chance to know. The “stuck up, judgmental, exclusive clones” that stereotypes have pinned sorority girls to be could be further from the truth. When I face anxieties similar to those I had before going through recruitment or am simply worried about an upcoming project or exam, I can easily turn to twenty different girls and every last one of those fears, whether big or small, will be vanished within minutes by any one of those ladies. One of the easiest ways to describe it is like having 150 cheerleaders constantly by your side rooting for you to succeed in everything you do. Every girl in the chapter wants to see her sisters succeed and will drop anything to make sure that happens. Though we have all had different life experiences up until we became Tri Delts, the “perpetual bond of friendship” that unites us erases any kinds of differences. The love that we share for Delta Delta Delta and for each other is enough to rid any labels that others may give us. Though others may still perceive us as “typical sorority girls,” knowing that assumption is nowhere near the truth brings a huge sense of pride when wearing your letters. Although certain I would never fit in, now I couldn’t imagine my life without “sorority girl” as one of my many titles. Thanks to the sisters that surround me, I couldn’t be prouder to be anything but a member of Delta Delta Delta.
Delta Love and Mine,
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