Why I'm a Delta Delta Delta

Choosing Tri Delta for me honestly was the easiest thing I have ever done, by far. When you go through recruitment, you’ll hear a lot of girls say that they instantly felt like they were home when they walked into their house on the first day. While that is an awesome feeling, it didn’t happen to me until the third day because of how overwhelmed I was with the whole process. Did I say the right things? Why was everyone so pretty? Did they think I was weird? Then I realized that the Tri Delt house was the only place I hadn’t been second-guessing myself at. As clichĂ© as it sounds, these girls were genuine and I didn’t have any problem opening up to them so it was such an easy choice for me to make on preference night. It wasn’t until a year later, preparing to be on the other side of recruitment for the first time, that I truly understood why I chose Tri Delta.

My freshman year in Tri Delt was awesome but I never really opened up. My best friend and I tended to just stick together and not socialize, so we ended up missing out on some stuff. Fast forward to a year later, August 2017 sitting in the chapter room with my pledge class during new member work week. I started to talk more, giving my input and finally opening up to my sisters. I saw during that week that these were the girls that made this sisterhood what it really was. I also began to see what made each of these women who they were and how extremely beautiful that was. We were all going through our own issues and made of these different pieces and parts but we all happened to fit together perfectly. PC 16 completely changed my outlook on my sorority life. I began to realize that this truly was a family and these girls were my sisters. We go through ups and downs but these women are here for each other. In today’s society, we need to be able to lift each other up as women and human beings and that is exactly what Tri Delta has done for me. People on the outside will think we’re crazy or that we “pay for our friends”, but if that’s the case, I’m not paying near enough. I will always choose Tri Delta.

Delta Love,
Jaycee Walker
Sponsor Chair

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