A Letter to my Pledge Class: Fall of 2015

Dear PC 15,

While I cannot even begin to explain the impact you have made on my life in this short letter, I’m going to try my very best. When I joined Tri Delta alongside each of you almost three years ago, I had no idea what would come of my time here. I fumbled through my three days of recruitment hoping to find these life-long sisters that everyone had been talking about. To be honest, I didn’t really believe it was possible. Three years later, I can’t imagine the road my life would have taken had I not joined Tri Delta and met all of you. I have gained everything and more from this chapter, and it is because of each and every one of you. Each of you are incredibly unique, powerful, and beautiful on the inside and out. We’ve shared our best moments together, from our initiation, to our first big/little reveal, to our new member work week. We also shared our worst, like the loss of our pledge class sister, Geena, following the end of our freshman year. We grew closer, stronger, and more resilient than ever. This was when I truly saw the meaning of sisterhood, because I know we could not have made it through that devasting time without each other.

All of you have shown exactly what it means to be a Tri Delta woman and have inspired many others to do so as well. You brought me out of my shell and made in confident in who I am. You supported and loved me through the tough times. You have all shown me what it means to be “brave, bold, and kind alike to all”. We began this journey as young, anxious, and eager eighteen-year-olds ready to conquer our college years. Now, we are confident women with our college years almost behind us, and our whole future ahead of us. As we begin our senior year of “lasts”, don’t forget to look back on our “firsts”. While it may seem like our time here is soon coming to an end, I know it is only the beginning for us.

Delta Love and Mine,

Emma Armstrong
Recruitment Team

Social Events Chairman

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