Why I'm SO Passionate About Recruitment:

I still so clearly remember going through recruitment as a timid, terrified, shy 18-year-old. It’s hard to believe I’m sitting here writing about why I am so passionate about the recruitment process as the Recruitment Chair for Tri Delta! Panhellenic Recruitment is without a doubt my favorite time as both a PNM going through, and also as a member within the chapter on the other side.  I appreciate the process for what it is because it landed me in a home full of women that I am lucky enough to call my sisters.
Let’s back up a little bit to high-school-Amanda; I didn’t even sign myself up for recruitment, my soon-to-be freshman year roommate signed me up because I “didn’t see myself as a sorority girl” ,but she insisted that I at least try it out. I had seen the movies, I had read the dumb Greek rank websites, and I thought I didn’t want any part of it. But, I went through with it regardless, because why not? I could always change my mind later on down the road, right? So recruitment comes and I walk up to my very first house, not having any idea what to expect. I entered through those doors and immediately thought “What did I get myself into?!” Haha! Long story short, in the beginning, this process intimidated me, which is exactly why I fell in love with it. I’ve always gone by the motto: if you are comfortable in this life, you’re not growing; fall out of your comfort zone and see where it takes you.
So, day three rolled around and just like the other 50% of girls going through, I was somewhat torn (as it turns out, three days is a very short amount of time to process something as crazy as recruitment!) So, I ran to my Rho Gammas, talked their ears off for hours, and realized I needed to go with the home that I felt most unapologetic-ally and unafraid to be myself in, yet also choose the home where I felt I was going to grow immensely, and gain experiences and memories that would last forever, and here I am writing this for you three years down the road!
I think it is so important for young women to understand the benefits of joining Greek life, especially in a society that paints such a bad picture of it. I was right where you are right now, wondering: What if I join a sorority and I hate it? What if I join a sorority and lose myself in the process? What if I join a sorority and realize as any point in time that it’s just not for me? Well I am here and happy to tell you that I learned very quickly going into college and recruitment to instead ask myself: What if I love it? What if I lose my old self and gain a better one? What if it is totally for me?
I was terrified to come to college; I planned on staying in my hometown after high school and not going off to university. It took one visit to SFASU to realize this can easily be made into my new home away from home. And then, short after, I went through recruitment and realized very quickly Tri Delta could also easily be made my new home away from home.
The recruitment process brought me an immense amount of love and support from sisters I would have never had the opportunity to meet and know otherwise. These women are the reason for my strong foundation below me, and they are the reason I have learned not to fear the path ahead of me. This home has truly built me, and I cannot wait to see each of you find the home that will build you!

Delta love and mine,
Amanda Campbell

Vice President of Membership

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