A Thank You To My Big & GBig

Before you join a sorority, you’ll hear that you'll get a big sister and that she'll be your best friend and eventually a bridesmaid in your wedding. But, nothing can prepare you for the type of relationship you're going to have with your big or your family. I could not have been happier with the family I was taken into.
Big, you are the cutest little ball of sunshine and my freshman year of college would not have been the same without you. You were always there when I needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to. Thank you for bringing me home from class every Wednesday and talking me through everything from outfits to assignments. You are a life saver.
GBig, I have known you basically my entire life. You are one of the best human beings I have ever had the privilege of knowing. You light up any room that you walk into and you have never met a stranger. I'm so proud of you for going alum and even though you’ve graduated, I’m so glad that you're just a phone call away.
With role models like you two, I know I'm heading on the right path. You have both shown me what it feels like to be accepted and loved for who I am and not what others want me to be. When I came to college, I wasn't expecting to be so welcomed by strangers, but Tri Delta has shown me what true friendship is. To my lil family, my two best friends, you'll never know how much you mean to me. I love you more than I could ever possibly put into words and I wish everyone could get the chance to meet you at least once in their lives. You are two of the strongest and most beautiful women in the entire world. Keep being you and make the world love you like I do. 
DLAM always,
Your little nugg, Jaycee

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