What You Should Know for Recruitment!

Looking back to four summers ago when I was getting ready to leave for college and start this exciting new chapter the nerves really started to kick in. I was so nervous to go through recruitment, start school away from my friends and family, and actually get on my own two feet and start having some independence. Looking back, choosing to participate in recruitment is what gave me the head start to being successful in college. Without my sisters there is no way I could have made it to the place I am as a senior this year. If there is anything I could say to myself as the girl about to join a sorority, it would be to RELAX! Recruitment is the easy part.

Last year I had the awesome opportunity to be a rho gamma, and the summer before that I was still affiliated with Tri Delta during recruitment. So if anyone has some advice on how to survive and thrive during this process I’m your girl! First things first, utilize your rho gammas! These girls are here for your every need during recruitment. We are your shoulder to cry on, person to laugh with, and Nacogdoches/SFA recommendation queens. Basically they will be your mom for the week. I formed such great relationships with my group of girls. We love it when you need us and ask us questions, it is literally our job to help you! Another great thing about having your two rho gammas, is you are put with a group of girls going through the exact same thing as you! My best friends freshman year ended up being two girls in my group, even though we didn’t end up in the same chapter which is totally okay! But it is always a little comforting knowing that someone in your group will maybe one day be your sister!!  

At Convocation you will receive more details, but when you head to the row for your parties there is one thing you really need with you…. Survival bag. I’m talking deodorant, lipstick, oil blotting sheets, perfume, SNACKS, your entire makeup bag if you need it. Nacogdoches weather can be hot and sticky sometimes and you gotta be prepared. Next on the list is to let the nerves go. All of the girls in each chapter are just as nervous as you. Everyone is putting their best foot forward and trying to make a good impression! Just relax and be yourself and everything will fall into place. Take the time to get to know each house and the girls in it, ask questions, and talk about yourself too! If there is any time to dwell into the details of your life, now is the time.

I know this time can be a little crazy, but these will be memories you will always look back. Trust me, it will be so worth it!! Next thing you know you could be me as a senior participating in your last recruitment.

Delta Love,

Ellie O’Connor

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