Dear (soon to be) PC'18

Dear (soon to be) PC ’18,

The time has finally come; recruitment is right around the corner and what we have been preparing for all summer is so close. Tri Delta has been planning and preparing ourselves for this week, and most importantly for you. We hope you come into this week as excited to meet us as we are you. We know how you are feeling; so many anxious thoughts about if we will like your outfits or if you’re going to say the right things. Just take a deep breath, because we promise everything will work in your favor, no matter which house becomes your home. By the end of this blog post we hope that some of these nerves go away, and are replaced with excitement about finding your forever home.

We are Tri Delta’s new member education duo, and all summer not only have we been impatiently waiting for recruitment, but we have also been waiting for the time we will spend with PC ’18. Throughout the new member education process, we will have the chance to get to know each other on a deeper level, and provide so much more information about Tri Delta that makes us unique from other chapters. As new members, PC ’18 will experience some of the greatest moments of the entire Tri Delta journey. Receiving a big, having a sleepover with all of PC ‘18, and finally being initiated as a member are just a few of the most memorable moments that will be shared between us. Although these are some of the main journeys we will embark on together, we are here solely for you. We will be a shoulder to cry on, a mentor, a support system, and most importantly a sister who’s main goal is to keep you safe and happy as you begin college. Tri Delta is not about testing your knowledge on our rituals and facts, it is about growing together as sisters.

We are ecstatic to guide PC ’18 through the first semester of their Tri Delta and college experience. Being away from home for the first time can be daunting, but we are here to be like extended family. We may occasionally act like a mom, but we promise our intentions are to keep you safe and sound (just like our own moms do for us). With that being said, we hope you feel as confident in your decision to go Greek as we do. Going Greek has given us both a home away from home, and made this new journey so much more bearable. We cannot wait to watch our beautiful new members grow from pearls to pines. With all of this being said, we already have so much love for PC ’18 and can’t wait for our newest members to experience what being a part of Tri Delta’s sisterhood is all about.

With Delta Love,
Shannon Miller (New Member Educator) and

Haley Hughes (New Member Educator Assistant)

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