To The Sisters I Never Thought I'd Meet

There are countless amounts of shared experiences that create the foundation for lifelong friendships in a sorority. One of the best rewards of membership is the connection that you create throughout your affiliation. Many girls join sororities knowing that it is a great way to meet a large group of women but few understand the real impact that these women will have on their lives both during and after college. Going Greek has introduced me to people I never thought I would meet and Tri Delta has given me the friendships I couldn’t live without.
During the three years I have been a member of Tri Delta, I have noticed an outstanding amount of leadership in the women of my chapter. It doesn’t matter if they have a leadership role or if they choose to just be supportive members, we all strive to help each other focus on common chapter goals. We help open doors for opportunities to be leaders on campus and in the chapter. As sorority women, we serve as role models for each other and strive to hold each other accountable. I’ve seen this first hand from learning and growing in this chapter. At the end of the day, it’s insanely encouraging.
By being a legacy, I’ve had the privilege of seeing my mother and sister still connected with their friends and seeing how beneficial that can be. Moving to a new town? There is a sister to help you get acquainted. Looking for a job after college? There is a sister in the field waiting to give you advice. My point is, that there is a sister around every corner, and I am eternally grateful for the connections that this sisterhood brings. My present and my future are both always going to be surrounded by sisters that I never thought I’d meet. 
There is always going to be a variety of personalities in any sorority, but that is what makes it so fun. These women have been a part of my life for the past three years and I know that they will be there forever. I’m proud to know that by belonging to a sorority, I have sisters all over the Nation. I never thought I’d meet such unique personalities and I am forever grateful for the bonds that Tri Delta has given me.
Go Greek because I promise you that you will never be the same after encountering the spectacular women that are involved in the Greek community!  

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