Striking Gold in Tri Delta: Lifelong Friendships

As a PNM, one of the most common questions you will be asked is “What are you looking for in a chapter?” or “Why did you decide to go through recruitment?” Personally, my answer was short and simple…my mom. Growing up, I always heard my mom raving about her sorority sisters and the bonds she held with them even after college. Even with graduation over twenty years behind them, they still found time to get together and catch up, like nothing had ever changed. Her sisters stood by her on her wedding day, watched me and my little sister grow up, and were now about to watch me embark on my very own college journey. When I signed up for recruitment, I knew that was what I needed. There was nothing in this world that I wanted more than a support system like that of my own, and that was exactly what I was looking for in my future chapter.  Walking through the doors of the Delta Dome on the very last night of recruitment, I knew this was where I needed to be. I sat and listened to the seniors speak about their experience in Tri Delta, and I finally saw the bond that I heard my mom talk about so much. This was my place, and these were my people.

Looking back on my past two years in Tri Delta, I can’t help but become overwhelmed with gratitude and amazement towards this chapter. The friendships I have made in this house are indescribable, and bring more to my life than I ever could have imagined. My Big brings me a sense of peace during the stressful times, a shoulder to cry on, and a laugh when I really need it. My Little has given me a partner in crime, a best friend, and the irreplaceable opportunity to be a mentor. My best friend Tracy has become my roommate, my voice of reason, and my soul sister. My pledge class has become my family, my support system, and my best friends. Tri Delta has given me a home away from home and sisters I never imagined I could have. After all those years of wanting the friendships that a sorority is supposed to offer, I finally found exactly that and more.

            As I go into my junior year, I am so excited to see what the future holds for me and my chapter! Between the never-ending study nights, the movie marathons in the chapter room, and the late night heart-to-hearts in the kitchen, I know there are plenty more memories to be made throughout my last two years here. Even though I know I will one day graduate and walk through the doors of the Delta Dome one last time, I know I am not leaving anything behind. These friendships will be carried with me forever, and I will always have a place I can call home.

Delta Love and Mine,

Emma Armstrong


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