Home Away from Home

As the old saying goes, “Home is Where the Heart is.” According to Dictionary.com, your home will always be the place for which you feel the deepest affection, no matter where you are. This is what I found in Tri Delta.
Let’s rewind to the summer before my freshman year. It is very common for ladies to say that they are skeptical about going through recruitment and this is exactly how I felt.  When I moved away from home, I had pretty much made up my mind that I was not going to go through recruitment. I had the mentality that I could make friends without being in a sorority. I was not interested in trying to become someone I was not. Then, I met my first roommate two weeks before school started, which also happened to be when the sororities were preparing for recruitment. She was a sophomore and was already in a sorority. It was not long before she convinced me that I needed to rush, but it was almost too late. I had to call the Panhellenic president and beg to register because it was already after the deadline. Fortunately, she allowed me to participate, so I went through the recruitment process. After a long, stressful 3 days, I had made up my mind. When I opened my bid card, I was excited to see that Tri Delta was my new home.
At first, I was a little nervous about joining the chapter because I did not know anyone yet. Everyone welcomed me with open arms and treated me like family right off the bat. Shortly after the semester began, I started to get to know everyone. I grew closer and closer to my sisters, especially the girls in my pledge class. Before I knew it, I was spending late nights at the Delta Dome studying with friends or watching the Victoria's Secret fashion show in the chapter room while eating popcorn. We may have even found ourselves hosting our own, in-house, fashion show down the upstairs hallway. I did not live at the house, but I knew that anytime I wanted to hang out or needed someone to talk to, I could walk through those royal blue doors and someone would be there for me. I also knew if I ever needed help on an assignment, there was at least one person in the chapter that had taken my class before and could help me with it.
All in all, I fell in love with Tri Delta and my new sisters. It was hard to be away from my family at first, but I quickly found a new and welcoming support system within Tri Delta. I truly found my home away from home at 424 North Steen Drive.

Delta Love, 
Kelsey Bowers
Philanthropy Assistant 


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